Data publikacji: 2016-09-08
Autor: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu

During the upcoming open days in Collegium Stomatologicum on September 8, we will be hosting a guest speaker – dr James Huang from Taiwan, a renowned expert in implant dentistry. Dr Huang will give two lectures:

  1. 3-4pm “Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation and Decrease in Arterial Pressure by Endodontic Therapy: A New Etiology of Syncope”
  2. 4-5pm “The New Era of CBCT in Dentistry”

The lectures will take place in room 202 of Collegium Stomatologicum and will be open for all interested visitors.

You can review dr Huang’s bio below:

  • Diploma, Yuanpei College – Department of Radiology
  • Fellowship of International College of Dentistry
  • China-japan Friendship Hospital :Guest Professor
  • Professor of Kaohsiung Medical University
  • Visiting Professor of National University (Philippines)
  • Standing Director of Taiwan Academy of Implant Dentistry
  • Post-graduate study at University of Groningen Netherlands
  • Masters of Kaohsiung Medical University – College of Dental Medicine
  • President of Taiwan Dental Association
  • Chief of Dentistry, St. Paul’s Hospital
  • Chief Instructor, Taiwan Anker Implant System
  • First successful case of implantation in renal transplant patient
  • Training Dentist, Department of Dentistry, National Taiwan University
  • Member of National Health Insurance Supervisory Committee
  • Member of National Health Insurance Medical Expenditure Negotiation Committee
  • Member of Medical Claims Review Committee, Bureau of National Health Insurance
  • Member of National Health Insurance Dispute Mediation Committee
  • Advisor of the Office of the President of Taiwan