Data publikacji: 2021-07-01
Autor: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu

Dear Colleagues,

it is our great pleasure to invite you to the conference 'RNA goes viral’, which will be held on 1.-2. July 2021 at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan, Poland.

Today’s world is full of new unexpected challenges such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To understand contemporary problem and develop an effective strategy for their solutions we require knowledge from various scientific fields and an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, to fulfill these requirements of modern science, we distinguished three thematic sessions:

  • Session 1 'From thermodynamics of nucleic acids …’ with presentations on the broadly understood chemistry and biology of nucleic acids;
  • Session 2 '… through biology of viruses …’, with talks in field of virology, molecular biology, and structural biology;
  • Session 3 '… to efficient anti-SARS-CoV-2 strategies’, with reports in the field of medicine, medical biology, epidemiology and molecular diagnostics.

Plenary lectures will be held by world-famous experts: Prof. Douglas H. Turner (University of Rochester, USA), Prof. Gang Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China), Prof. Luis Martinez-Sobrido (Texas Biomedical Reserch Institute, USA), Prof. Stefan Pöhlmann (German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Germany).

Additionally, among the invited speakers there are leading representatives of the Polish scientific community: Prof. Marek Figlerowicz (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences), Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć (Jagiellonian University), Prof. Andrzej Mackiewicz (Poznan University of Medical Sciences), Prof. Hans Bluijssen (Adam Mickiewicz University) and Prof. Jakub Rybka (Center of Advanced Technologies).

In addition, we would like to give the opportunity to present the scientific results to PhD Students and young scientists, who work on topics related to previously mentioned sessions. We invite all interested parties to submit abstracts, and present their work orally (12 min + 3 min discussion) or as a poster. Please note in advance that the number of oral presentations is limited, and the selection from the submitted applications will be made by the Scientific Committee. Submitted abstracts not qualified for oral presentation may be presented as a poster. In addition, we invite all interested parties to register also for passive participation (listener) in the conference.

The reason for our meeting also testifies to the aforementioned interdisciplinarity and its role in science. The 'RNA goes viral’ conference is organized on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Ryszard Kierzek from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań. Honorary Jubilarian is an outstanding Polish scientist (author of 177 scientific publications cited 8255 times, Hirsch index equal to 48), whose research interests cover issues from the border of chemistry, physics and biology and mainly concern nucleic acids.

Due to the epidemiological situation, the conference will be held in a hybrid mode, i.e. some participants will be present in the lecture hall, with all lectures being broadcast online at the same time. The language of the conference is English (except for the session on the occasion of Prof. Ryszard Kierzek’s 70th birthday, which will be held in Polish). Participation in the conference is free.

Detailed information on the 'RNA goes viral’ conference, including the registration form and the abstract template, is available at:

The conference is organized by: IBCH PAS Foundation, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.