Data publikacji: 2021-05-21
Autor: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu

With great pleasure we are announcing that the 9th edition of Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium „Symbioza” willl take place on 21st – 23rd of May 2021!

After all the troubles caused by pandemic situation, we are delighted to introduce You our very first edition of online Conference, held on Whova platform.

Biotechnology is an area of science, that gathers and connects variety of different fields. Biology, chemistry, environmental studies, informatics, physics, medicine are all coming together and mix creating unique topics and solving distinctive problems. The mission of IBS „Symbioza” is to share the experience and knowledge among enthusiasts, young scientists and future researchers, who all come and participate in the conference.

Due to the success of conducting the conference in English, we all agreed to maintain this new tradition of International Conference.

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