Data publikacji: 2016-10-26
Autor: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
invites you to a Conference-Workshop:

'When things go wrong’
Exploring the reasons, results and remedies for medical errors

As in every area of life, errors in medical practice are bound occur.

Our challenge is to understand why they happen, how best to reduce them, and how to support everyone involved – patients and professionals – when an error has occurred.

Join us for this Conference where through interactive presentations and small group workshops, a panel of highly experienced clinicians will be facing up to this challenge.

on Monday 24th October 2016 at 4,30 p.m. room 3009
in PUMS Medical Biology Centre, 8 Rokietnicka Str.

The main speaker and the chairman will be PUMS Visiting Professor: Prof Richard Vincent

Senior Consultant Cardiologist; Formerly Co-founder and Associate Dean Brighton and Sussex Medical School; Founding Head, Institute of Postgraduate Medicine Brighton and Sussex Medical School;
Recent Chair of Executive Committee, PRIME Partnerships in International Medical Education

Co-chaired by:

Dr Aleksandra Bojarska, Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospital of South Manchester, UK
Undergraduate, Postgraduate and International PRIME Tutor,
Dr Lena Lobakk, Dentist, Secretary and Editor of the Norwegian Dental Forensic Society, Norway, Undergraduate, Postgraduate International PRIME Tutor

Certificates of Attendance will be provided.

Registration via e-mail address till October 19th

Students have permission to attend the conference-workshop as an alternative to their regular classes or clinical work.